
Thursday, April 25, 2013

1st grade Gee's Bend Quilt Collages

Gee's Bend is a small community in Alabama that believes in tradition and family.  The women of Gee's Bend became famous when their quilt designs were noticed and admired.  1st graders discussed the "function" of some art and thought about the purpose of artwork.  Students listened to poems written about the culture of quilt-making and the traditions that are past down from generation to generation. 

Students created a collage using construction paper.  We discussed how to create interesting designs using patterns and elements of art.  Students practiced using good craftsmanship by keeping their artwork neat and clean. 

I will display them all together like one big quilt, but here are a few individual examples. 

2nd grade Calder inspired Sculptures

What did Alexander Calder invent?  Students discussed the life and artwork of famous sculptor, Alexander Calder.  He was interested in movement, balance, and simplicity.

2nd graders created their own stabiles using various materials.  Students created free form shapes that symbolized their interests.

5th grade Public Art

What is public art?  What is graffiti?  Can graffiti be a good thing?  What makes graffiti frowned upon?  How is a mural different from graffiti?

5th graders pondered these questions while discussing the Atlanta mural project called Living Walls.  A group of artists came together and created a dozen large murals throughout the city of Atlanta.  There was some controversy involved when one of the murals was painted over because the group didn't get the proper permission.  Students also learned about an Atlanta favorite, Evereman, who spreads his art through social media and word of mouth.  It was interesting to discuss these issues and compare opinions.

Students created a graffiti font of their names and displayed them in an urban environment.  We discussed atmospheric perspective and value while students painted a distant skyline.

Monday, February 25, 2013

3rd grade Clay Soup Cans

Pop artist, Andy Warhol, is famous for his love and celebration of everyday objects.  His Cambell's Soup Can prints are among the most recognizable artworks. 

3rd graders studied Warhol's life and artwork and created clay soup cans.  Students used classic clay hand building techniques including coil and slip and scoring.  They then used tools to carve personal soup can details.  Students came up with some interesting flavors.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Kindergarten Blue Prints

What is an architect?  What do they do? 

Have you read Iggy Peck, Architect?  It's a beautifully illustrated story about a boy and his dream to be an architect.  Kindergarten students love the pictures and understand the message of the story. 

Kindergarten students pretended they were architects and made Blue Prints using a stamping method.  Check out this Mrs. Knight's Smartest Artists for this and many more wonderful art lessons. 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

2nd grade Symmetrical Insect Prints

In order to understand the principle of art, Balance, 2nd graders looked at various art reproductions and discussed the difference between Symmetry and Asymmetry. 

It's common to think of insects when discussing something balanced because insects are so symmetrical.  Check out this video of an insect photographer who captures photographs of bugs up close and personal.  Students were surprised to see the amount of color and detail.

We discussed common characteristics of insects, and students designed their own bug using lines, shapes, and colors.  In order to create symmetry, students only drew half their bug and then monoprinted the other side. 

After cutting out the insects and gluing to a clean paper background, students created a word border by writing about their insect around the outside edge of the paper.
I think it's interesting how each insect is completely different and unique.  The students really explored their own ideas and own personal artistic choices in this project.


1st grade House Sculptures

What is the difference between something flat and 3d?  What do you call a 3d artwork?  How can you turn something flat into something 3d?

These are all questions discussed with 1st graders in the past few weeks.  Students know the difference between geometric and free-form shapes, as well as the difference between shapes and forms. 

Students discussed the South African culture, Ndebele, who are famous for their brightly painted homes.  Students identified patterns, lines, and shapes in the designs.

Students turned an ordinary paper lunch bag into a bright, bold, colorful sculpture inspired by the Ndebele people.